Email Marketing is still a relatively new advertising and communication tool for promoting products and services, getting your message across or simply staying in touch with clients or lapsed clients.


email marketing


Email Marketing

Effective email marketing campaigns entice customers, provide customers with information and keep your business connected to your customers.  A poor or ineffective email marketing campaign can annoy and drive customers away.

Rapid Click's email marketing services include:

  • email template creation
  • email advertisement content
  • SMS advertisement content
  • email information content
  • email marketing strategy consultation
  • email marketing strategy setting and goal setting

Email templates can be very simple or can be designed with complex tasks in mind.  For example if you have a number of sales people, how would you like to have one template which when emailed is personalised so that it appears that the individual sales person has sent it?

Talk to us now to find out how we can supercharge your email makerketing strategy.